Spiritual Autobiography and Theological Reflection Processes |
We are now able to provide you with on-line copies of the Group Status Reports and other Forms necessary to the administration of an EfM group. We would appreciate Mentors using this method of obtaining the forms, as it will save EFM-Canada many dollars in postage costs. For printable copies of any of the Forms, click on the EfM Forms link above.
The Education For Ministry programme holds seminar sessions every week, for the purpose:
The seminars must be led by a trained mentor. EFM deals in the skills of ministry, so it is often assumed that Mentors must be ordained clergy persons. Remember "Ministry" is not the property of ordained people. It cannot be stressed enough that ordination is not a prerequisite for becoming a Mentor. Although some background in theological or biblical studies is a useful asset for anyone thinking about becoming a Mentor, even this is not necessary.
What then, is required? A mentor wears three servant's hats in the EFM programme. They are:
As a Guide, the mentor:
As a Participant, the mentor:
As an Administrator, the mentor:
We have provided some links for you that you may find helpful as a Mentor. Please note that all the links listed will open into a new browser page. You need only close the new page in order to return to the EFM - Canada Website.
Anglicans on Line
This is a comprehensive site with essays about topics of interest, the basics of Anglican belief and a host of other useful information about the Anglican
and Episcopal churches around the world.
Christian Literature on the Internet
An excellent resource for Christian literature, including a guide to the documents of the Early Church.
Critical Thinking
Here is a definition of Critical Thinking with links to other pages on the subject, for those Mentors who wish to delve further into this area.
Critical Thinking in Everyday
Life: 9 Strategies
A practical discussion about critical thinking in our ordinary lives, where we are trying to carry on with our ministries.
Hall of Church History
This excellent resource offers time lines of Christian and Church history as well as the writings of the early church theologians and the early church's
History of the Reformation
This is the BBC history page about the Reformation. Browse this great site for other resources on Church and State.
How to Read a Theological Book
An excellent article on the skills needed to read a theological text by a professor of the Episcopal Divinty School
Luther's 95 Theses
Here are the 95 Theses Martin Luther nailed on the church door at Wittenburg.
Mentor Training Events
Here is a list of all the Mentor Training Events scheduled by EfM-Canada for the upcoming months
Personal Spiritual Resources
This page is a list of resources to engage and enhance one's personal spirituality compiled by EfM Mentors.
Tyndale House, Links for OnLine Resources
Tyndale House has gathered a number of excellent links for biblical studies on their site. Browse through links on Internet sources for theological study,
links to books on theology, and other useful resources.
Non Verbal
EfM groups need to know about non-verbal communication in order to have productive group process
Principles of Adult Learners
Another excellent site about how adults learn and the principles that govern their learning.
Non-Verbal Communication/Body Language
An excellent resource for groups who want to improve the non-verbal communication in their seminar group.
Students Page
Check out this link for some helpful tips on critical thinking and study habits
E-mail us: EfM - Canada
WebSite design and implementation thanks to Chris Ross, EFM trainer
If you have any comments on the site or find any broken links, please contact the webmaster at
Last updated: October 29th, 2023