This page has many useful links for students of this course. There are links to those of our sponsoring Dioceses who have web sites as well as links for book and internet resources, personal spirituality, theological seminaries, and other web sites that we thought might be useful. We will be updating this page regularly, so come back and visit it, often. In order to make this page easier to navigate, the sections on Other Useful Links, Theological Seminaries and Anglican Dioceses and Parishes will open in a new, More Links, page. Please note that all the links will open into a new browser page. You need only close the new page in order to return to the EFM - Canada website.
The Anglican Book Centre
This is the official book store of the Anglican Church of Canada, now run by Augsberg Fortress/ABC Publishing.
Anglican Timeline
This is a timeline of the origins of the Christian church and the evolution of the Anglican/Episcopalian church in the United States. The timeline touchs on
most of the large issues of our Anglican history so will be of interest to those outside of the USA. There are many links within each of the historical eras
which will also extend ones knowledge of this subject
Bible Atlas and Timelines
A very useful site with links to maps of the Old and New Testaments, plus Bible Charts and Timelines.
Bible Dictionaries
This page has links to various dictionaries of the bible
Bible Odyssey
Explore the fascinating origins of the Bible and its eventful history. On Bible Odyssey, the world’s leading scholars share the latest historical and literary
research on key people, places, and passages of the Bible.
Bible Study Tools
A good site for commentaries, bible dictionaries, concordances and a host of other useful resources for those doing biblical scholarship.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Classic Christian books in electronic format, that will be of great use to EFM students. The site includes works by the Early Church Fathers, an
Encyclopedia of Christianity and many other valuable resources.
Christian Literature on the Internet
An excellent resource for Christian literature, including a guide to the documents of the Early Church.
Critical Thinking in Everyday
Life: 9 Strategies
A practical discussion about critical thinking in our ordinary lives, where we are trying to carry on with our ministries.
Early Christian Texts
A chronological summary of early Christian texts that provides dates and a brief description of the most important Christian writings from AD 30 to
Early Christian and Byzantine Images
This site has many pictures of early Christian architecture, manuscripts and other pictures from the time spans covered in EFM textual materials. Please
note, if you are not using a high speed internet connection the images will take extra time to appear on your screen.
Early Christian Writings
Here is much of the material written by early Christian authors.
Early Church Documents
This is a database of Confessions, Creeds, and writings of the Early Church Fathers.
EfM Glossary
A vocabulary for students assembled by an EfM Mentor.
EfM Vocabulary
A vocabulary for students put together by the EfM folks at St. Francis in the Valley, Episcopal Church, in Arizona.
Hall of Church History
This excellent resource offers time lines of Christian and Church history as well as the writings of the early church theologians and the early church's
History of the Reformation
This is the BBC history page about the Reformation. Browse this great site for other resources on Church and State.
Jewish Virtual Library
This is an excellent resource
about Israel, including maps, history, Judaism and many other interesting aspects of this country.
Luther's 95 Theses
Here are the 95 Theses Martin Luther nailed on the church door at Wittenburg.
Sacred Texts Archive
This site is a large archive or sacred texts of all the world's religions and much more. It includes a timeline of world religions that students may find very
useful in Year 4.
Sadducees, Pharisees and
A helpful chart, from the Jewish Virtual Library Site, about the Sadducees, Pharisees and Essenes.
Tyndale House, Links for OnLine Resources
Tyndale House has gathered a number of excellent links for biblical studies on their site. Browse through links on internet sources for theological study,
links to books on theology, and other useful resources.
Vatican Links
This site contains a list of reading materials about the Vatican.
Celtic Christianity
This is a good website for an overview of the history and main features of Celtic life.
How to Develop a Spiritual Journal
A excellent website offering basic information about spiritual journal writing. The site has other useful links to journal writing links.
The Liturgy of the Hours
The Liturgy of the Hours (also known as the Divine Office) is the richest single prayer resource of the Christian Church. This site provides liturgical
resources and explanantions about the Daily Offices.
Personal Spiritual Resources
This page is a list of resources to engage and enhance one's personal spirituality, compiled by EfM Mentors.
Spirituality and Practice
These 37 spiritual practices are markers of the spiritual life. Recognized by all the world's religions, they help us connect with the Divine, our true selves,
our neighbors, and the whole Creation.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatious Loyola
A translation of the Spiritual Exercises.
Inclusion of a link does not imply official endorsement of the contents of any site by EFM-Canada.
If you find a dead link or know of a site that should be included in this list, pleast contact the webmaster at WebMaster
WebSite design and implementation thanks to Chris Ross, EFM trainer
If you have any comments on the site or find any broken links, please contact the webmaster at
Last updated: July 24th, 2020